I know I've been neglecting to post. I didn't even post anything about Thanksgiving or Christmas caroling, two very food-centric events that I otherwise would have been on top of. It's a combination of being very busy and sort of sick, both of which add up to a dearth of blog posts. But I thought I'd take advantage of my sore throat and clue you all in to the best invention on Earth: honey lemon ginger tea.
My mom used to make this for me whenever I was sick, no matter what kind of sickness it was, and I'd invariably be cured. Now that I'm living at home again (woohoo!) I can take advantage of this fact, though now I'm making it for myself. It's not as good when I make it though.
1. Take three or four thin slices of fresh ginger and place them in boiling water (about a mug's worth). Steep until the water is a little bit golden.
2. Squeeze half a lemon into a mug, add two spoonfuls of honey. Or more, if you have a sweet tooth like me. Or brown sugar, if you don't have any honey. Or any kind of sweetener.
3. Pour the hot water through a strainer into your mug (or leave the slices of ginger in there, like I do).
4. DRINK. BE CURED OF ALL YOUR AILMENTS, physically and emotionally.